All diseases are based on nerve problems

Recently, scientists from the University of Wisconsin once again confirmed the old common belief “All diseases are based on nerve problems.” Nowadays most often we speak about “stress”, not about “nerves”.

By the means of modern medicine the researchers demonstrate that the health of people who have experienced severe stress in their childhood, is significantly worse than health of those who had generally prosperous life.

What is the explanation given by the medicine?

Psychologists at London’s Royal College studied over 7 thousand people born between 1950 and 1955, and gathered information about their childhood.

The ones who spent unhappy childhood full with bad attitude by adults or depression because of failures in the family, reaching middle age were five times more often with disability for health reasons and more prone to depression.

It is, moreover, that those who have suffered often in childhood, but have not been subjected to stress, rarely disability.

Psychologists believe that the surviving childhood stress is a favorable factor for the development of various diseases. To explain this phenomenon with purely medical arguments proved quite difficult.

Researchers found a direct connection between experienced the childhood stress and weak immune system.

High level of antibodies against herpes simplex was found in the blood of volunteers who characterized their childhood as unhappy. As a rule, it occurs in a hidden form.

These antibodies are produced by the body if the immune system is impaired. In the blood of those of the experiment participants, who had a cloudless childhood, the level of antibodies against herpes virus was at a normal rate.

Since the immunity is not congenital, but acquired, then the immune system depends very much on the conditions in the early years of development. On the other hand, the nervous system is an integral part of the overall functioning of the body.

When we are stressed the body releases hormones, which impact changes the biochemical processes in the whole organism. The immune system gradually becomes unstable.

Although time passes, children grow up and environment changes they are still experiencing stress. This affects not only their behavior and ability to learn, but also constantly undermines the immune system, which in turn has the greatest importance to health

Future health problems with children whose mothers during pregnancy were subjected to negative emotions are foreseeable. According to medics from Hong Kong, if a pregnant woman is oppressed and depressed, this can have serious consequences for her and her child.

It is known that depression exhausts the immune system and it is often accompanied by various diseases. Moreover, parental stress very easily can be transmitted to the child.

Special statistics show that children who grow up in a tense, nervous atmosphere, more often suffer from colds, as well as asthma and diabetes.